Monday, August 27, 2012

Test Model A - The First Dark Angel

I tried painting a test model last night, the goal being to find the right combination of colors.  One of the staff members at Games Workshop recommended Caliban Green, Warpstone Glow, Moot Moot Green and Biel-Tan Green Shade, so I went with that. It worked well, although it's tough to see in this shot.  This was literally a 5 minute paint job, just to test the colors.  The next test will take a bit longer as I even out the highlights along the armor and take my time.

In the past, I was a bit of a perfectionist and if I couldn't get the model to turn out perfect, I'd scrap the project.  But I think this time around I have to be satisfied with my painting skills and as long as I like the way they look on the table or in the glass case, then I'm okay with that. I need to keep in mind that I'm not a professional painter and I'm not trying to be, but I do like the look of a decently painted miniature.

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