Thursday, August 30, 2012
...One More Day!!!!!!!
After a rather frustrating incident in my personal life last night, I found myself in a foul mood this morning. For solace, I turned to 40k. I realized that by midnight tomorrow night, I will have my copy of Dark Vengeance. The Battle Bunker in Downers Grove is celebrating with a midnight release and my starter set will be there waiting for me!!!! I can't wait! I am like a kid at Christmas! I feel much better.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Test Model A - The First Dark Angel
I tried painting a test model last night, the goal being to find the right combination of colors. One of the staff members at Games Workshop recommended Caliban Green, Warpstone Glow, Moot Moot Green and Biel-Tan Green Shade, so I went with that. It worked well, although it's tough to see in this shot. This was literally a 5 minute paint job, just to test the colors. The next test will take a bit longer as I even out the highlights along the armor and take my time.
In the past, I was a bit of a perfectionist and if I couldn't get the model to turn out perfect, I'd scrap the project. But I think this time around I have to be satisfied with my painting skills and as long as I like the way they look on the table or in the glass case, then I'm okay with that. I need to keep in mind that I'm not a professional painter and I'm not trying to be, but I do like the look of a decently painted miniature.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Quick Update - Chompin' At the Bit!
I sat down and created my first unit for my upcoming Dark Angels army. I 'acquired' a box of Dark Angels Veterans and a SM Command Squad box and I am setting about building my first squad.
Tactical Squad
1 vet sgt & 4 marines - 90
power weapon (sgt) - 15
105 points
Not knowing exactly with the upcoming codex will allow for options, I figured that I would play it safe and just add on when the new codex is released.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Getting Ready!
While I impatiently wait for my new army to arrive, I grabbed a couple of Dark Angels miniatures that came with the new 40k starter paint set and decided to paint a test model or two. If they turn out, I'll just add them to my collection.
I assembled all five miniatures and primed them with Chaos Black spray paint from Games Workshop. A very expensive item, but it's what I had on hand. I'll explore less expensive options later. My next step will be to research a few color combinations.
Friday, August 24, 2012
New Beginnings...
The 6th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 came out a month or so ago and I bought the rulebook. I've been looking through it for weeks, but it seems so overwhelming that I haven't really taken the time to sit and learn the rules properly. Well now I have an incentive. A chance for a new beginning. The new Starter Set comes out next weekend, featuring two new armies: Chaos and Dark Angels. I'm a space marines fan at heart, so guess which one I'm choosing. After seeing the miniatures, I'm hooked. They are awesome! I mean Space Hulk-Blood Angels-Awesome! I can't wait to get my hands on this set!
This new blog will be in part, to commemorate the new set, but also, as the title of this post suggests, a new beginning. I've never really made playing 40k a hobby, but now I fully intend to do so. So...I'm going to order the new set this week and immerse myself in the game of Warhammer 40,000!
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